Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Cartoon workshop at Something Else in the Dean festival
A fab little festival in the forest of dean, where I did a cartoon workshop with the kids. This year we did 'Super heros and Super villans. Your character had to have a super power and a weakness. What the kids came up with blew me away!
"teddys for sale. Sweets 10pee (all gone)"
 A star wars space battle. This is what me and my friends used to do at school and I've passed it on to a new generation :)
Knitting woman!
Smelly cheese legs!

 Space battle
 Weakness-not very good at spelling!

I really enjoy working with kids and art. One little girl came upto me with a 50pee to say thank you. I told her that drawing and fun are free and to spend her money on something nice.

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