Tuesday 12 November 2013

Labyrinth arts
I also get the joy of working with Labyrinth Arts. Here is some signs for their festival gear

Large backdrop for workshop space

Sign for Bearded Theory Earth Area
Cartoon workshop at Something Else in the Dean festival
A fab little festival in the forest of dean, where I did a cartoon workshop with the kids. This year we did 'Super heros and Super villans. Your character had to have a super power and a weakness. What the kids came up with blew me away!
"teddys for sale. Sweets 10pee (all gone)"
 A star wars space battle. This is what me and my friends used to do at school and I've passed it on to a new generation :)
Knitting woman!
Smelly cheese legs!

 Space battle
 Weakness-not very good at spelling!

I really enjoy working with kids and art. One little girl came upto me with a 50pee to say thank you. I told her that drawing and fun are free and to spend her money on something nice.
Mongrol-ABC Warriors

Mike McMahon
2000ad homage artwork

Kev O'Neil -Blitzspear

From a series of homage art of my favorite 2000ad artists and characters- Joe Pineapples, ABC Warriors