Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Bullhead cartoon (Dave Wardell) for Dirt Mountain biking website
Did this a little while ago and forgot about until now
Derby BMX graphics
 3rd Berm before the finish. Haro BMX
 Cycle Derby on the forst berm
I recently put the graphics on the berms of Derbys National Standard BMX track 

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Blackie the terrier
For my Dads mate, his old dog

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Asterdale bike it!

Awesome time painting mural at Asterdale school! Top kids and top teachers and I totally loved using real paint instead of blooming Photoshop
Keep on pedaling!

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Big Pedal Prize

I got a mention in the local paper! The winners of my local races for the Sustrans Big Pedal Have won a mural, designed and painted by me.

Well done Asterdale!

Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Sustrans Big Pedal

Artwork for Sustrans Big Pedal
The idea is that the kids of today have to race against the kids of the 60s, when there was no playstations or internet.This is the 60s kids all grown up
This is the 60s kids enjoying themselves on thier bikes when they ride to school

This is the race map. The schools taking part have to plot thier route and try and win the race against the 60s kids
This was published in A1 size and sent to all the BIke It! schools in the UK
click link for info

Monday, 21 February 2011

Recycle mural for Chellaston Infant school

Project that I did a few years ago for Chellaston Infant school
A mural all about recycling